
'Craig' the Kangaroo and me

Tomorrow is Australia Day. January 26, where in 1788 Captain Arthur Phillip, arrived in Sydney Cove with the first fleet of 11 ships and white settlement began. I would also like to celebrate our indigenous Australians, the Aboriginal people who have lived in this wide brown land of ours for some 40,000 years or more.

Celebrating Australia day is different for everyone, but my friends and family like to start it off with a quick morning swim, then head off to a BBQ, ensure Triple J is on the radio, have a few beers, laugh a little, eat a little and finish it off with another late afternoon dip.

Australia Day is also in the middle of summer and I just LOVE a Sydney summer! Covering myself in 30+ sunscreen, going to the beach, living in Havianas, the sound of cicadas at night, the dog running round the BBQ, lamb chops and the smell of jasmine in my parent’s backyard…Happy Australia Day people!

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