
Well it’s here, 2010 has arrived and with it the end of the ‘noughties’.  The past decade has been an innovative and defining era where the Bush administration pee-ed off the world, and the internet is the super star that has risen.  The past decade has certainly toughened us up and I’m no longer in my twenties all bright-eyed and bushy tailed.  It kicked off with the ‘best olympics ever’ in Sydney and moved to a September morning where, whilst brushing my teeth, I realised that the world would never be the same again, to the rise and rise of digital media and the exciting time I’ve had working in the online industry.

Following is my executive summary of the decade, starting off with the lingo that has entered our vernacular…

9/11; War on terror; Googled; Tweet; Footprint; LOL; Blog; Facebooking; George W Bush; Barack Obama; Larry Page and Sergey Brin; Jamie Oliver; Rupert Murdoch, Bill Gates, Kings of Leon; Roger Federer; September 11; Iraq war; Harry Potter books; flat screen TVs; Daft Punk; launch of Wikipedia; smoking bans; Indian ocean tsunami; BlackBerry; launch of Big Brother; Sydney 2000 Olympics; Black Saturday; ipod; hair straighteners; Sex and the City; free range eggs; Boho chic; The Killers; Toyota Prius; The Maxtrix; Lord of the Rings trilogy; Snow Patrol; box sets; 80’s revivial; YouTube; USB; Ugg Boots.

Photograph: ChinaFotoPress/Getty Images

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